Moksliniai straipsniai

Jūsų dėmesiui - mūsų straipsniai spaudoje, tarptautiniuose mokslo leidiniuose bei kita naudinga informacija

EU and NATO cybersecurity strategies and national cyber security strategies: a comparative analysis

Abstract Given the global nature of cyber threats, assurance of a cyber security policy is very important not only at organization level but also at national level. Currently, cyber security as such is not independently regulated internationally; therefore the role of the EU and NATO in ensuring cyber security has become particularly significant. This article […]

Skaityti Toliau

Concepts and principles of cyber security strategies

Abstract In the last few decades, the understanding of security has been changing. New areas emerged which may in uence security facets, which were not urgent earlier. Now those facets can endanger individual persons or even states. Breaches of cyber security, sepa- rate attacks or intense cyber wars are becoming more usual than conventional wars […]

Skaityti Toliau
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